Aimco Term and industrial valves

With over 50 years experience in industrial valves , we are both manufacturers and distributors. We have evolved over time under several brands (Term , Term Cailhoux ; Aimco Term) . Today as Aimco Term, we are world famous and classified by the specialists , among the leaders of the current market . We own many advantages such as flexibility, which allows us to adapt to the best the needs of our customers, but also technological innovation that we demonstrate , in close collaboration with users, to provide a complete and accurate response to a specific need.


usinage-de-pieces-de-robinetterie industrielle

We completely control  the manufacture of our products, from the strict imposition of our specifications to smelters , to installation , assembly and tests in our workshops in Portugal.



Our products are distributed in France but mainly abroad, in the countries of Europe, Africa and Oriental countries. We address only the end users , not retailers .



To adapt better to the expectations of our customers , we are able to innovate, mainly by improving some already existing concepts . Just a few years we have created a one-piece forged cyclone for one of our clients.


You want to discover our products ?

Discover our expertise in industrial valves



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Very reactive , our team is at your disposal !



You want to view or download our documentation ?

Catalogs and technical specifications


An international presence

Discover with pictures our service products through the world